Cultivating Thriving Communities

With purposeful learning at the core, Kaʻū Dream is building the community as a vibrant place to live, work and play while keeping the authenticity of its people and culture.

Kaʻū Community School Farm Work Day

This event is part of the 4th Annual Hawaiʻi Island Community Food Summit. Sponsored by Hawaiʻi Island School Garden Network (HISGN) & Hawaiʻi Island Food Alliance (HIFA).


Kaʻū Dream’s vision is for the rediscovery and regeneration of Kaʻū, one of the six original districts of ancient Hawaiʻi, while also honoring its authenticity and respecting the island’s environment. As a historic town and the largest district of Hawaiʻi County, Kaʻū will be a vibrant place to live, work, play and thrive. Residents will see improvement in their quality of life, economic growth, improved educational outcomes and the creation of local assets such as community farming and other programs that enrich the community. This initiative will also provide a template for other communities to create their own version of their dreams. With purposeful learning at the core, these dreams will become reality.

kids holding buckets of eggplants

The Goal

By improving the outlook for Kaʻū, we are creating a model for other rural areas of Hawaiʻi, which, once implemented, can have a tremendous impact on the state’s overall health and the wellbeing of all Hawaiʻi residents.

All the while, we are establishing a template for building resilient learning communities across the United States.

The Model

Phase I

Building a Learning Community

Phase II

Enhancing Kaʻū's Quality of Life

Phase III

Building to Support Growth and Sustainability

Phase IV

Protecting & Developing Infrastructure

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